
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
#66 Joel Comm
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
This conversation with Joel Comm, best selling author, keynote speaker and host of one of the world's most popular Cryptocurrency podcasts, is fascinating. A fearless practitioner of the new, Comm takes on new projects and executes on new ideas more frequently than most people change their bed sheets.

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
#65 Framing Episode 64: Earned and Learned Wisdom
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Wisdom is a currency that is substantially undervalued today. Not surprising when you consider the current media climate of instant reaction and immediate satisfaction, and wisdom has much more to do with patience and time. The much-maligned millennial generation is not that different than generations before them; they have just been weened on immediate satisfaction of curiosity and want. Somewhere along the line, the idea of valuing experience has lost its luster.

Monday Sep 25, 2017
#64 Ursula Ringham
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Social media experts, especially the self-proclaimed, are a dime a dozen. But what about those practitioners that are tirelessly and relentlessly experimenting, improving, and practically applying today's latest and greatest advancements in media technology? Find out today by getting to know our guest for episode 64 of Leading Matters Ursula Ringham, Digital Marketing Director at SAP.

Monday Sep 18, 2017
#63 Framing Episode 62: Power of Emotions
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Introducing the first episode of Leading Matters FRAMED. The premise; take the most recent full interview episode of Leading Matters and pull out one specific powerful topic to pay attention to. Today we frame up episode 62 which was my interview with Craig Ballantyne. We will explore why tapping into the natural desires we all have to succeed and improve makes a big difference in how we connect with the people that make up our marketplace. At just 15 minutes this frame up of my conversation with Craig is going make it clear why adding drama into our communications should be something that you care about.

Monday Sep 11, 2017
#62 Craig Ballantyne
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
The coaching industry has exploded in the past several years, and by most accounts, it is a nearly a $2 billion industry. On today's episodes, we speak with one of the practitioners in the market who not only knows what they are doing but does it extremely well. Our guest is Craig Ballantyne, and I'm certain you're going to be glad to meet him.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
#61 - Leading Matters with Joel Capperella is BACK for another season
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Very excited to finally take Leading Matters off its summer long break and get this episode out to you today. There is no guest today; it's just me. That's right, yours truly offering you up some explanation about the break and sharing insight into where I intend to take the podcast in the future.

Monday May 22, 2017
#60 Grant Baldwin Founder The Speaker Lab
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
There is a hidden treasure chest of value that can be mined from the rapidly growing online coaching industry and Grant Baldwin shares it today as my guest on Leading Matters.

Monday May 08, 2017
#59 Shawn Quintero
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
Shawn Quintero is my guest today on Leading Matters. He is an author and entrepreneur focused on using positivity to help others advance their goals. He has built his business on the firm foundation of his Christian faith and works tirelessly to help fellow believers remove obstacles that prohibit their forward progress.

Monday May 01, 2017
#58 Lexi Mills PR Mastermind
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Lexi Mills is my guest today on Leading Matters. She is a master at integrating SEO and PR. No, seriously she is masterful at the practice, and if you listen to this episode, you will understand why that is true. Lexi views her craft as part art and part science and treats it with the respect that she feels everyone should treat the power of how we communicate and push our narratives. You will absolutely learn something by listening to this episode with Lexi Mills.

Monday Apr 24, 2017
#57 Dean Vagnozzi
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Today's guest on Leading Matters is Dean Vagnozzi, a prolific salesman and incredibly successful personal finance professional. Dean's field is littered with status quo advisors that go about their business serving clients the same way every other advisor serves. Dean is unapologetically different, and that has made all the difference for him and his clients.